Agile Spaces: #ISSedu Slowchat

If you've been part of our previous hour-long #ISSedu twitterchats, you know the thrill of being online at the same time as a world of educators, seeing their responses and stories pour into your feed, and sharing your own. But for November, we wanted to try a chat format that would encourage more deep-dives without the time pressure. Hence, the first #ISSedu slowchat!

This week, every 24 hours, we've posed a question about agile spaces to our twitter community. We love the diverse thoughts shared about learning spaces, and seeing educators build off ideas across time zones reminds us of what makes this community amazing. Keep an eye on #ISSedu and the official ISS page to find the prompts and responses. Of course, even when the chat is officially over, we invite everyone to continue to respond and dialogue.

From practical low-cost tips to learning pedagogies, enjoy highlights of the slowchat resources and reflections shared:

Q1: “First design the learning, then you can design the space.” -@ewanmcintosh.
What pedagogies, learning theories, or wellness considerations drive the need for agility in your classroom? I.e., Why #agilespaces? 


Q2: How can we boost student agency over learning space design and function? How does this differ across PK12?


Q3: What are some simple, low-cost ways to make your spaces more agile or comfortable?

Q4: What spaces do you designate for #creativity rather than productivity? Where are the places to #play in your classroom or school? #issedu 

Q5: In your learning environment, how do you bring the "outside" inside?

Q6: Share an example of an inspirational learning space!
We're encouraging shoutouts to peer teachers, educator heroes, pinterest favs, shameless pride in your own classroom and students, etc. Pictures more than welcome! #ISSedu #slowchat


Q7: When you've encountered challenges in your classroom (#agilespaces-related or otherwise), what has helped you stay inspired and flexible?


And that brings us to the close of the #ISSedu slowchat! Thank you all for sharing Let’s go forward equipping each other with resources, connections, and encouragement